How many visitors has Germany had over the years? Germany continues to…

How many visitors has Germany had over the years?

Germany continues to be a wanted tourist attraction throughout the years. almost half a billion visitors will tell you that they were charmed by the delicious food, the different kinds of beer and the hospitality of the nationals.

What is an appeal letter and how do you write one correctly?

An appeal letter is one you send to the German embassy when your visa gets denied and you still think all your documents are the right ones and are correct. You should maybe counsel with someone beforehand to write the letter correctly.

Which documents are mostly needed by the German embassy for your Visa application?

Depending on where you come from, the German embassy could require additional documents. However, the following are the basic ones: passport, picture, plane ticket if you’re going to fly there, Visa application form, health insurance, financial funds report etc.

How to increase the chance of your Visa application getting accepted if you got rejected once?

Getting a visa denied might happen to everyone. If this happens to you, then there must be a strong reason for this decision. Make sure next time to get the right documents so your chances of acceptance will increase.

Where can you apply for a German Visa?

Applying for a visa is a stressful process. In order for your visa to get accepted, make sure to find out where you’re supposed to apply (German embassy, consulate or visa center in your home country) and make an appointment for an interview with them.

Which type of Visa do most people apply for when wanting to travel to Germany?

Most people that visit Germany apply for a Tourist or Visitor Visa for Germany. With this visa you can visit not only Germany, but also all the other 26 Schengen member countries that are part of Schengen.

Do you or a relative of yours need medical treatment?

Germany is known for its high quality of doctors and medical treatment. That is why if anytime you or any member of your family cannot find adequate medical treatment, you can always consider going to Germany.

Who needs to apply for a Learning/Studying Visa?

Your home country is sometimes unable to satisfy your need for high-quality education so you dream of something better. You will discover the ‘something better’ with a learning visa at Germany’s most well-known colleges.