As a tourist, what should you plan beforehand to make your experience…

As a tourist, what should you plan beforehand to make your experience in Germany unforgettable?

Germany is a very big country and almost every area of it has something to offer. Before visiting this country, try to make a plan of where you want to go, as there is more to Germany than Berlin or the city life.

Which city in Germany is mostly visited by international tourists?

Statistics from recent years show that Berlin was the most visited city in Germany. In those years, it had almost 800 hotels with over about 1250,000 beds. This city recorded over 20 million overnight hotel stays.

When will you be denied entrance in Germany?

The regulation that a citizen’s passport must be valid for at least three months after your period of stay in Germany is strictly stated in this country. If you want to travel to Germany but your passport has less than 90 days validity you will be denied admittance.

What is something very important you need to know while you travel in different cities in Germany?

Each city has its own transportation system in Germany, so it is good to know which ticket you need to visit these cities – a single ticket or the multi-ticket.

Is Germany a safe country to travel in?

One of the reasons Germany is a very popular country to visit is the safety that you can find in it. Germany is known for its low crime and low risk for pickpockets or threat to travelers.

How important are security requirements while traveling in Germany?

Before packing your stuff for traveling to Germany you need to research about the newest security requirements. It will tell you what is allowed for you to carry in your bag and what is not allowed.

What are the most popular festivals in Germany?

Germany loves to celebrate for anything! From the famous Rhine in Flames, to Oktoberfest, DFB Pokal, Karneval, Asparagusfest and Onionfest and Christmas markets, Germany is known for its fun atmosphere.

Is Germany the perfect place to visit if you are a fan of high speeds?

If you’re a fanatic of high speeds, you should definitely visit Germany. Take your car with you or find a car to rent and go on the open road in the country’s 79000 miles of no speed limit autobahns.
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