How many times are you able to enter Germany with a Job…

How many times are you able to enter Germany with a Job Seeker Visa?

When you apply for a German Job Seeker Visa, you should be aware of the fact that this type of visa is not only meant for people to find jobs, but for people to be able to travel as well. With this visa, you can travel to other EU countries during the 6 month validity of the visa.

What are the requirements for the EU Blue Card renewal?

The application fee for issuance is 140 €, while the renewal fee for the EU Blue Card is 100 €. You may have to wait up to 3 months/90 days after submitting the application for it to be processed. Time it takes to process an EU Blue Card application. The processing time for an EU Blue Card is no more than 90 days.

How can you benefit from an appeal letter and what is one?

If your visa application is refused by a German embassy, you should get a letter explaining why. If you believe your documents are authentic, you can file an appeal with the embassy. Writing one will never hurt you and will only increase your chances. Make sure to check online on how to write one properly and even better, try to ask someone else who has already done this to show you the correct way.

What is the application process for the Job Seeker visa?

After you’ve gathered all of the necessary documents, the next step is to apply for a job seeker visa from your German embassy. After submitting the form, you will be booked for an interview. The Germany job seeker visa will be issued based on your history and papers, application form, and interview. Finally, if you’re serious about seeking employment in Germany, follow these steps, prepare a solid application, and you’ll be well on your way to contacting and networking with potential employers. You cannot work in Germany if you have a job-seeker visa.

Why is the German Job Seeker the right choice for you?

A visa or a residence permit for up to six months might be granted to job searchers. If you have found work that fits your qualifications, you can apply for an EU Blue Card or a residence visa for qualified professionals directly in Germany at your local Foreigners’ Authority without first traveling to Germany. Please keep in mind that the residency permit of a job applicant cannot be renewed. You may only reapply for the same visa after your residence permit has expired if you have spent the same amount of time seeking for employment abroad as you did in Germany. can reapply for the same visa after spending the same amount of time abroad as you did in Germany while looking for work.

What are the needed documents for an EU Blue card application?

For an EU Blue Card, you’ll need the following documents: 1) Application format. 2) Remember to bring your passport. 3) A written declaration from your employer. 4) A job offer from a company in the EU. 5) A university diploma Photographs (6th). 6) Documentation of five years of continuous professional employment. 7) A pay that is 1.5 times the national average, or 1.2 times the national average for shortage occupations.

Can your EU Blue card be taken away?

The EU Blue Card is valid for 3 years. After leaving Germany, the EU Blue Card is valid for up to 12 months. Family members of EU Blue Card holders who have a residence visa for personal reasons are also included in this category. For people traveling for lengthy periods of time, a formal request should be submitted if the stay is in the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany abroad. Individuals on assignment for a global business with headquarters in Germany, for example, are subject to this.

Will it be hard to get the EU Blue Card?

Obtaining your EU Blue card may be challenging. However, if you are well prepared, you should have no problems on the road. There are a few things to consider before applying, as well as a few factors that will affect your chances of receiving the visa. Among these elements will be your university degree, professional qualification, income demand, proper documentation, work experience, and, lastly, your job offer.