How long is the EU Blue card Valid for? A Blue Card’s…

How long is the EU Blue card Valid for?

A Blue Card’s usual validity period is three years. You can renew your EU Blue Card if your job contract is renewed. If your work contract is for more than a year but less than three years, you will be given an EU Blue Card that is valid for the duration of your employment contract (i.e. 30 months). After your EU Blue Card expires, you have three months to extend it or find another job if your circumstances alter.

Why should you work in Germany?

Germany presently has a 3.6 percent unemployment rate, compared to 7.6 percent for the European Union as a whole. Germany’s minimum wage is projected to rise over time as Europe’s largest economy. The bulk of working hours are limited to Monday through Friday, with certain retail stores allowing weekend hours.

Is it common for your job-seeker visa to get rejected on your first try?

You should not worry too much. It is normal to be rejected a German visa while applying for the first visit. Many people must apply for a visa many times before entering Germany. If this is the case, try again later, but be sure you have all of the required documentation. As a consequence, try not to get too worked up over it.

Who is eligible for the German Job Seeker Visa?

To apply for a German Job Seeker Visa , you must first demonstrate your eligibility. The following are the criteria for one: A bachelor’s or master’s degree that is equivalent to a degree in Germany. In an ideal world, Germany would want to welcome postgraduates and PhD holders. You must have a minimum of five years of experience to be qualified to work in Germany. Enough money to pay your stay expenses and overheads for the duration of your visit. The candidate must be insured for travel and medical expenses. Strategic planning and a disciplined approach are necessary to get job in Germany.

Which continents have the most Job Seeker Visa holders in Germany?

With so many individuals on Job Seeker Visas in Germany, it’s impossible not to wonder who these folks are and where they’re from. According to recent data, the bulk of these personnel are from the United States, a number of European Union member countries, and Africa.

Could the cause of your visa getting rejected also be your passport?

Sometimes we can skip over some things and not realise that that was the reason of rejection. Rejection may be caused by a variety of factors, and when faced with it, individuals often overthink things. We advise you to be calm and focused while you plan for the future. When applying for a German visa, even if you have all of the required documentation, your passport may be rejected. If the embassy requires further documents, you will be contacted and given the opportunity to resubmit.

How important is it for your to submit your application before the deadline?

If you arrive on time, you will be handed a letter indicating that your passport and visa are available for pickup and that your application has been sent to the embassy. If you do not arrive on time, you will not receive a letter and your application will be returned to you immediately by the embassy. After that, you can mail or call to resubmit your application.

What are the requirements for the EU Blue Card renewal?

The application fee for issuance is 140 €, while the renewal fee for the EU Blue Card is 100 €. You may have to wait up to 3 months/90 days after submitting the application for it to be processed. Time it takes to process an EU Blue Card application. The processing time for an EU Blue Card is no more than 90 days.