How many tourist attractions does Germany have?

How many tourist attractions does Germany have?

With 300 theaters, 630 art museums and 130 orchestras, Germany offers the opportunity to have different plans to choose from, for going out every night. The possibilities are endless.

What do you need to be allowed to enter Germany?

In order to be allowed to enter Germany you need sufficient funds and a return airplane ticket if you will go there by plane. Make sure to save up before you decide to travel to Germany.

Is it difficult to get help from people who live in Germany?

The generosity and politeness of people in Germany can easily be noticed when they are hosting for foreign visitors. If you have any difficulties while visiting the country, don’t worry, the citizens will be more than happy to help.

Do all international visitors need to apply for a Visa to travel to Germany?

For international visitors, it is required that they obtain a visa before traveling to Germany. This country is part of the Schengen Zone which gives you access to get a Schengen Visa (the most popular visa in the market).

How important is the environment in Germany?

When you go to Germany, don’t forget to drop your empty bottle in the recycling depots at grocery stores and collect refund money, up to 25 cents. Recycling is considered very important in this country.

As a tourist, do you need to know the German language to get by?

Even if you are a non-German speaker, it would be good if you knew a few basic German words when you go to this country. There are people who speak English in Germany but most shop and road signs are in German.

How many international tourists visit Germany yearly and why?

Around 30 million international tourists visited Germany at the start of the last decade, bringing in almost 40 billion dollars to the international tourism of the country. Reasons why tourists come to Germany are listed as: The German culture, outdoor activities and countryside.

What are the most popular festivals in Germany?

Germany loves to celebrate for anything! From the famous Rhine in Flames, to Oktoberfest, DFB Pokal, Karneval, Asparagusfest and Onionfest and Christmas markets, Germany is known for its fun atmosphere.